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Epic Games has at least given players the impression that they are dedicated to developing the competitive side of Fortnite in Chapter 2. Season 1 of Chapter 2 was a renaissance for arena and tournament play, with a loot pool that sacrificed variety for consistency.

Since then, Epic has continued to update its players and has even implemented some highly sought-after changes to the competitive Fortnite. One of the biggest signs of progress was the addition of a two-week trial period for new items. Instead of adding everything to competitive modes right away, they’ll first try it out in public matches.

Chapter 2 Seasons 1 was widely regarded as the most competitive season in Fortnite history. Season 2 would also be there if it weren’t for the NPC Henchmen and the bosses who regularly eliminated the players in Arena. Instead of revisiting the Henchmen in Season 3, Epic doubled their NPC interference by adding Marauders that are randomly generated on the map.

Marauders aren’t the hardest thing to handle, but they can mean certain death if you find them in a vulnerable scenario. Sometimes they offer worthwhile loot, but they waste your healing items, materials and ammunition. The cost of fighting them is almost always too high, especially on its own.

These new NPC agitators are fine for public parties. In my opinion, they were added to help fill the calm between early and late fights in the game. However, in competitive modes and tournaments, they cause more problems than they are worth.

Should a NPC have the ability to shoot at a player’s head for 200 damage and finish their game during a tournament? Should they be throwing odors that may end the game from someone who has little HP? Should they be equipped with a Rocket Launcher that could seriously damage it? In my opinion, the answer is a resounding, no.

It would be one thing if the Marauders were in the game during a team-based FNCS season. However, this season is alone, which means marauders have a chance to cost some players thousands of dollars. I can’t understand why Epic would want to keep them in Arena, apart from the fact that they are the only place where you can find Stink Bombs.

I’m not a strict competitive player. Some seasons I arrive at Champion League and some do not. It’s not a big deal for me. That said, my blood boils every time I listen to the Marauder’s music in an Arena game, and I can’t imagine how angry it must make level one professionals.

Fixing Marauders and Sharks

Sharks tend to be in the same boat (no pun) as Marauders. They are easier to avoid and are not as punishing, but they still seem like an informal and peculiar addition to the game that does not belong to the competition.

Eliminating Marauders and Sharks from competitive Fortnite would, in my opinion, be the best option. However, it is not the only option. There is a way to fix these two NPC annoyances for competitive modes.

Reddit user Dimmy192 commented on a Marauder post with a sensible suggestion: passive to Marauders and Sharks in Arena and Tournament modes. That way, you can still attack them if you want or need their loot. If you don’t want to interact with them, you don’t have to. This also eliminates the Marauder tricks you see above.

With Only FNCS just around the corner, we haven’t seen the latest Marauder clip that ruins the game. Players head to Champion League in the hope of placing themselves in a tournament. Marauders and sharks are interfering with that. In my opinion, that’s completely unfair.

We hope Epic will consider community feedback in a way that did not with BRUTE. Leave them in public games, but remove or pacify them in competitive modes. These seem to be the only fair and sensible options.


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